Working Groups are at the very heart of GSE.
There are more than 150 Working Groups across Europe
where successful case studies are presented and
practical experience in all aspects of IT is exchanged.
As a result, better-informed decisions can be made
by both individual members and member companies
to ensure installations are more effective.
The groups also ensure that all members are empowered
with the knowledge to meet their professional challenges
and are provided with a unique insight into future technology and solutions.
Working Groups are also key to identifying specific subjects, requirements and concerns that can then be explored fully as part of conference programmes.
Working Groups raise issues which are picked up for direct discussion
and negotiation with senior IBM representatives, or which become the objectives of international projects.
Active member participation in these groups is fundamental to the aims of the GSE.
As such, there are numerous opportunities to share ideas and solutions with industry colleagues,
both on a regional and international level.